World Patient Safety Day 2023 will be observed on 17 September under the theme “Engaging patients for patient safety”, in recognition of the crucial role patients, families and caregivers play in the safety of health care.
Evidence shows that when patients are treated as partners in their care, significant gains are made in safety, patient satisfaction and health outcomes. By becoming active members of the health care team, patients can contribute to the safety of their care and that of the health care system as a whole.
Through the slogan “Elevate the voice of patients!”, WHO calls on all stakeholders to take necessary action to ensure that patients are involved in policy formulation, are represented in governance structures, are engaged in co-designing safety strategies, and are active partners in their own care. This can only be achieved by providing platforms and opportunities for diverse patients, families, and communities to raise their voice, concerns, expectations and preferences to advance safety, patient centeredness, trustworthiness, and equity…read more
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Related links:
- Evidence Map Clinical Effectiveness of Anthroposophical Medicine
- Mapa de evidências - Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis
- Mapa de Evidências sobre a efetividade da Cannabis Medicinal
- Seguridad del Paciente / Segurança do Paciente / Patient Safety
- Mapa de Evidências Efetividade Clínica da Medicina Antroposófica
- Portaria de Consolidação nº 5, 28/09/2021 - Consolidação das normas sobre as ações e os serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde
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- Frente pela vida
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