setembro 4, 2018 @ 10:02:09 | Current Revision |
title_pt |
Deleted: | | Added: Reflexoterapia |
title_es |
Deleted: | | Added: Reflexoterapia |
title_en |
Deleted: | | Added: Reflexotherapy |
category_pt |
Deleted: | | Added: Terapias Complementares |
category_es |
Deleted: | | Added: Terapias Complementares |
category_en |
Deleted: | | Added: Terapias Complementares |
description_of_the_search |
Deleted: [pt_BR]Subtema do filtro Métodos Terapêuticos e Terapias, disponível na BVS Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas, considerando a área de Terapias Manuais ([/pt_BR] | | Added: [pt_BR] Filtro temático para <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BVS MTCI</a> - Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas, considerando a área de Métodos Terapêuticos e Terapias[/pt_BR] |
Deleted: [es_ES]Subtema del filtro Métodos Terapéuticos y Terapias, disponible en BVS Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementarias, e Integrativas, considerando la área de Terapias Manuales ([/es_ES] | | Added: [es_ES] Filtro temático para la <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BVS MTCI</a> - Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementárias e Integrativas, considerando el área de Métodos Terapéuticos y Terapias [/es_ES] |
Deleted: [en_US]Subtheme of the filter Therapeutic Methods and Therapies, available on BVS Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Manual Therapies ([/en_US] | | Added: [en_US]Thematic filter to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">VHL TCIM</a> Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Therapeutic Methods and Therapies[/en_US] |
url_to_search_result |
Deleted: <a href="">Reflexoterapia</a> | | Added: Portal Regional de la BVS |
responsible |
Deleted: BIREME
search_strategy_I_observations |
| | Added: MT3 = Complementary Therapeutic Methods |
Deleted: | | Added: |
| | Added: E02.190 = Complementary Therapies |
lilacs_iahx_search_expression |
Deleted: (MH:Reflexotherapy OR "Reflex Therapy" OR Reflexotherapy OR Réflexothérapie OR "Thérapie réflexe" OR Reflexoterapia OR "Terapia de Reflexo" OR Reflejoterapia OR "Terapia por Reflejo") | | Added: (mh:"Reflexotherapy" OR ti:(Reflexoterapia OR Reflexotherapy OR Reflejoterapia OR Réflexothérapie OR "Terapia de Reflexo" OR "tratamiento por reflejos" OR "terapia por reflejo" OR "reflex therapy") OR ((mj:"/therapeutic use" OR mh:MT3.* OR mh:E02.190* OR ti:(treating OR treatment OR "clinical use" OR "medicinal use" OR "clinical application" OR therapy OR therapies OR therapeut* OR "therapeutic use" OR "uso terapeutico" OR terapia* OR terapeutic* OR tratamento*)) AND ti:(reflexo* OR reflejo*))) |
search_strategy_II_observations |
| | Added: [pt_BR]Estratégia de busca anterior[/pt_BR] |
| | Added: [es_ES]Estrategia de búsqueda anterior[/es_ES] |
Deleted: | | Added: [en_US]Previous search strategy[/en_US] |
medline_iahx_search_expression |
Deleted: | | Added: (MH:Reflexotherapy OR "Reflex Therapy" OR Reflexotherapy OR Réflexothérapie OR "Thérapie réflexe" OR Reflexoterapia OR "Terapia de Reflexo" OR Reflejoterapia OR "Terapia por Reflejo") |
status |
Deleted: 5 | | Added: 6 |
Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.