
In review
About the search

Thematic filter to VHL TCIM Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Therapeutic Methods and Therapies

Main subjects
Reflexoterapia; Reflexotherapy; Reflejoterapia; Terapia de Reflexo; Reflex Therapy

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
MT3 = Complementary Therapeutic Methods   E02.190 = Complementary Therapies

iAHx search strategy
(mh:"Reflexotherapy" OR ti:(Reflexoterapia OR Reflexotherapy OR Reflejoterapia OR Réflexothérapie OR "Terapia de Reflexo" OR "tratamiento por reflejos" OR "terapia por reflejo" OR "reflex therapy") OR ((mj:"/therapeutic use" OR mh:MT3.* OR mh:E02.190* OR ti:(treating OR treatment OR "clinical use" OR "medicinal use" OR "clinical application" OR therapy OR therapies OR therapeut* OR "therapeutic use" OR "uso terapeutico" OR terapia* OR terapeutic* OR tratamento*)) AND ti:(reflexo* OR reflejo*)))

Search strategy II
Previous search strategy

iAHx search strategy
(MH:Reflexotherapy OR "Reflex Therapy" OR Reflexotherapy OR Réflexothérapie OR "Thérapie réflexe" OR Reflexoterapia OR "Terapia de Reflexo" OR Reflejoterapia OR "Terapia por Reflejo")

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