Chernobyl, its lessons: actions for the next decade - report on a donor meeting.
It presents the discussions and recommendations regarding to the actions for mitigating thyroid diseases attributable to the Chernobyl accident in four priority areas: screening, treatment, mitigation...
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Idiomas disponibles:
Reactores Nucleares, Liberación de Radiactividad Peligrosa, Planificación en Desastres, Enfermedades de la Tiroides, Anais de congresso
Development of WHO Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments - report on a WHO expert consultation.
It presents the proceedings of the Consultation where experts discussed the further development of the guidelines, and made a series of detailed recommendations on their finalization. Document in pdf ...
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Idiomas disponibles:
Calidad del Agua, Agua Recreacional, Piscinas, Viaje, Guías como Asunto, Viagem e saúde, Anais de congresso
Finalization of the document "Cyanobacteria, their toxins, water and health" - report on a WHO editorial meeting.
It presents the proceedings of the meeting, where experts made detailed recommendations on the content and format of the book and on its publication. Document in pdf format; Acrobat Reader needed.
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Idiomas disponibles:
Agua Potable, Calidad del Agua, Guías como Asunto, Edición, Cyanobactérias, Anais de congresso
Water and health in Europe: a joint report from the European Environment Agency and the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
It assesses the accessibility and qualityof potable supply across the Region and describes the public health implications of inadequate and contaminated sources. Document in pdf format; Acrobat Reader...
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Idiomas disponibles:
Usos del Agua, Calidad del Agua, Cantidad de Agua, Salud Ambiental, 32479, Abastecimiento de Agua, Agua Potable, Purificación del Agua, Microbiología del Agua, Contaminación del Agua, Contaminantes Químicos del Agua, Legislación
Safety aspects of genetically modified foods of plant origin: report of a joint FAO / WHO expert consultation on foods derived from biotechnology.
It presents information on the approaches to the nutritional and food safety evaluation of genetically modified foods, nutrition - related issues, gene transfer, and allergenicity. Document in pdf for...
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Idiomas disponibles:
Inglés, Español, Francés
Tecnología de Alimentos, 52503, Biotecnología, Alimentos Modificados Genéticamente, Organismos Modificados Genéticamente, Plantas Modificadas Genéticamente, Ingeniería Genética, Anais de congresso
Water and Sanitation Programme.
It defines ´water and sanitation´ and presents information on the activities of the Programme.
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Idiomas disponibles:
Recursos Hídricos, Usos del Agua, Promoción de la Salud, entoamento
Accidents, Transport and Health Programme.
It presents information on the activities of the Programme, walking, cycling, injury prevention, and related subjects.
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Idiomas disponibles:
Salud Ambiental, Transportes, Impactos de la Polución en la Salud
Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for the Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters - CAC / RCP 33-1985.
It recommends appropriate general techniques for collecting natural mineral water, its treatment, bottling, packaging, storage, transport, distribution and sale for direct consumption.
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Idiomas disponibles:
Aguas Minerales/normas, Normas de Calidad del Agua, 16407
Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Egg Products - CAC/RCP 15-1976 (amended 1978, 1985).
It provides guidance on the hygienic production and handling of whole egg, egg albumen, egg yolk and other products intended for human consumption, and practices relating to premises, equipment and pe...
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Idiomas disponibles:
Huevos/normas, Manipulación de Alimentos/normas, Higiene Alimentaria, Obras de Referencia, Guia [tipo de publicação]
Code of Hygienic Practice for Spices and Dried Aromatic Plants - CAC/RCP 42-1995.
It presents the minimum requirements of hygiene for harvesting, post harvest technology (handling and microbial and insect disinfestation) processing establishment, processing technology, packaging an...
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Recursos añadido en:
Idiomas disponibles:
Inglés, Español, Francés
Especias/normas, Manipulación de Alimentos/normas, Obras de Referencia, Guia [tipo de publicação]