Development of WHO Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments - report on a WHO expert consultation.

It presents the proceedings of the Consultation where experts discussed the further development of the guidelines, and made a series of detailed recommendations on their finalization. Document in pdf format; Acrobat Reader needed.

Creador(es): World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Division - WHO / EURO / ECEH
Recursos añadido en: 30/08/2000
Objetivo: To prevent the adverse health effectsassociated with the use of recreational waters, which can arise from accidents, poor water quality, toxic organisms and exposure to sun and heat.
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Calidad del Agua, Agua Recreacional, Piscinas, Viaje, Guías como Asunto, Viagem e saúde, Anais de congresso
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