Virtual Health Library 25 Years

Conteúdo atualizado em: 04/04/2023
The Book Virtual Health Library

Conceptual model and fundamentals

Historical Mural of VHL

Presents the information sources

VHL 25 Years

Achievements, challenges and opportunities

VHL Guide 2020

Health information management

UNOSSC Award 2022

VHL recognized as a good practice in South-South Cooperation

25 Years ago, in 1998, the Latin American and Caribbean Health Information Network approved the Declaration of San José “Towards to Virtual Health Library”. Since then, BIREME has been leading the development of the VHL as a health information and knowledge management strategy for the LA&C Region, expanding to Spain, Portugal, Mozambique and other Portuguese-speaking countries.
The great challenge at the time was to realign the technical cooperation carried out by BIREME since its creation, in 1967, centered on essential functions of the Regional Library. The VHL was a response to the emergence of the Internet, which culminated in a new process for operating information sources through the Network, which has been developing and adjusting to the different contexts of the Region, but aligned with a single mission: to provide access to information and evidence science in health, contributing to narrow the gap between knowledge and practice in LA&C countries.
These were achievements and challenges that turned into opportunities thanks to coordinated networking and the availability of common methodologies and systems such as: LILACS Methodology, the FI-Admin system, DeCS and the IAHx interface.

It is time to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the VHL!

VHL Regional Coordination Meetings

The VHL Regional Coordination Meetings are the most important face-to-face forum for the exchange of experiences and knowledge among the VHL Network of institutions that produce, intermediary, and use health information in Latin America and the Caribbean (LA&C). These meetings take place with the CRICS - Regional Congress of Health Information. Since the creation of the VHL, 7 regional coordination meetings have been held with the production of Declarations that guide the development of the VHL as a model of health information management for the LA&C. region.

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