
In review
About the search

Thematic filter to VHL TCIM Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Therapeutic Methods and Therapies

Main subjects
Masoterapia; Masotherapy; Massagem; Masaje; Massage, Massoterapia

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
MT3 =  Complementary Therapeutic Methods   E02.190 = Complementary Therapies

iAHx search strategy
(mh:"Massage" OR mh:"Shantala" OR mh:"Tui Na" OR (Massagem OR Masaje OR Massage OR Massagista* OR Massoterapia OR "Terapia de Área Reflexa" OR "Áreas Cutâneas de Terapia" OR "terapia de zona" OR "Massage Therapies" OR "Massage Therapy" OR "Zone Therapies" OR "Zone Therapy" OR Shantala OR "Tui Na" OR Tuiná) AND (mj:"/therapeutic use" OR mh:MT3.* OR mh:E02.190* OR ti:(treating OR treatment OR "clinical use" OR "medicinal use" OR "clinical application" OR therapy OR therapies OR therapeut* OR "therapeutic use" OR "uso terapeutico" OR terapia* OR terapeutic* OR tratamento*)))

Search strategy II
Previous search strategy

iAHx search strategy
(MH:Masaje OR Massoterapia OR Masoterapia OR Rolfing OR Reflexology OR Réflexologie OR Reflexologia OR ((Massage* OR Masaje) ("cranio-sacral" OR Craniosacral OR "cranio-sacral" OR therap* OR terap* OR treatment* OR tratamento)))

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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from agosto 21, 2018 @ 10:24:04. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Post Revisions:


agosto 21, 2018 @ 10:24:04Current Revision
Deleted:  Added: Masoterapia
Deleted:  Added: Masoterapia
Deleted:  Added: Masotherapy
Deleted:  Added: Terapias Complementares
Deleted:  Added: Terapias Complementares
Deleted:  Added: Terapias Complementares
Deleted: [pt_BR]Subtema do filtro Métodos Terapêuticos e Terapias, disponível na BVS Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas, considerando a área de Terapias Manuais ([/pt_BR] Added: [pt_BR] Filtro temático para <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BVS MTCI</a> - Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas, considerando a área de Métodos Terapêuticos e Terapias[/pt_BR]
Deleted: [es_ES]Subtema del filtro Métodos Terapéuticos y Terapias, disponible en BVS Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementarias, e Integrativas, considerando la área de Terapias Manuales ([/es_ES] Added: [es_ES] Filtro temático para la <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BVS MTCI</a> - Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementárias e Integrativas, considerando el área de Métodos Terapéuticos y Terapias [/es_ES]
Deleted: [en_US]Subtheme of the filter Therapeutic Methods and Therapies, available on BVS Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Manual Therapies ([/en_US Added: [en_US]Thematic filter to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">VHL TCIM</a> Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Therapeutic Methods and Therapies[/en_US]
Deleted: <a href=";;home_text=BVS+MTCI&amp;q=%28MH%3AMasaje+OR+Massoterapia+OR+Masoterapia+OR+Rolfing+OR+Reflexology+OR+R%C3%A9flexologie+OR+Reflexologia+OR+%28%28Massage*+OR+Masaje%29++%28%22cranio-sacral%22+OR+Craniosacral+OR+%22cranio-sacral%22+OR+therap*+OR+terap*+OR+treatment*+OR+tratamento%29%29%29&amp;submit=Buscar">Masoterapia</a> Added: Portal Regional de la BVS
  Added: MT3 =  Complementary Therapeutic Methods
Deleted:  Added: &nbsp;
  Added: E02.190 = Complementary Therapies
Deleted: (MH:Masaje OR Massoterapia OR Masoterapia OR Rolfing OR Reflexology OR Réflexologie OR Reflexologia OR ((Massage* OR Masaje) ("cranio-sacral" OR Craniosacral OR "cranio-sacral" OR therap* OR terap* OR treatment* OR tratamento))) Added: (mh:"Massage" OR mh:"Shantala" OR mh:"Tui Na" OR (Massagem OR Masaje OR Massage OR Massagista* OR Massoterapia OR "Terapia de Área Reflexa" OR "Áreas Cutâneas de Terapia" OR "terapia de zona" OR "Massage Therapies" OR "Massage Therapy" OR "Zone Therapies" OR "Zone Therapy" OR Shantala OR "Tui Na" OR Tuiná) AND (mj:"/therapeutic use" OR mh:MT3.* OR mh:E02.190* OR ti:(treating OR treatment OR "clinical use" OR "medicinal use" OR "clinical application" OR therapy OR therapies OR therapeut* OR "therapeutic use" OR "uso terapeutico" OR terapia* OR terapeutic* OR tratamento*)))
  Added: [pt_BR]Estratégia de busca anterior[/pt_BR]
  Added: [es_ES]Estrategia de búsqueda anterior[/es_ES]
Deleted:  Added: [en_US]Previous search strategy[/en_US]
Deleted:  Added: (MH:Masaje OR Massoterapia OR Masoterapia OR Rolfing OR Reflexology OR Réflexologie OR Reflexologia OR ((Massage* OR Masaje) ("cranio-sacral" OR Craniosacral OR "cranio-sacral" OR therap* OR terap* OR treatment* OR tratamento)))
Deleted:  Added: 6

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.