En revisión
Acerca de la búsqueda

Filtro temático para la BVS MTCI - Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementárias e Integrativas, considerando el área de Métodos Terapéuticos y Terapias

Asuntos principales
ECIWO; Craniopuntura; Scalp Acupuncture; Craniopuncture

Resultado de la búsqueda
Portal Regional de la BVS

Estrategia de búsqueda
Estrategia de búsqueda para iAHx
(ti:(ECIWO OR YNSA) OR "Acupuntura Craneal" OR "Acupuntura Craniana" OR "Acupuntura del Cráneo" OR "Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism" OR "Nueva Craneopuntura de Yamamoto" OR "Nueva Acupuntura del Cuero Cabelludo de Yamamoto" OR "Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism" OR "Craneopuntura de Yamamoto" OR "Nueva Acupuntura del Cuero Cabelludo de Yamamoto" OR "Scalp Acupuncture" OR "Cranial Acupuncture" OR "Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism" OR "Yamamoto's New Craniopuncture" OR "Yamamoto New Cranio-Acupuncture" OR "Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture" OR Craniopuntura OR "Acupuntura Craneana" OR "Nova Acupuntura Craniana de Yamamoto" OR "Nova Craneopuntura de Yamamoto")

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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from novembro 27, 2023 @ 21:33:59. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Post Revisions:

  • novembro 27, 2023 @ 21:33:59 by mariza


novembro 27, 2023 @ 21:33:59Current Revision
Deleted:  Added: ECIWO
Deleted:  Added: ECIWO
Deleted:  Added: ECIWO

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.