In review
About the search

Thematic filter to VHL TCIM Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Therapeutic Methods and Therapies

Main subjects
ECIWO; Craniopuntura; Scalp Acupuncture; Craniopuncture

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
iAHx search strategy
(ti:(ECIWO OR YNSA) OR "Acupuntura Craneal" OR "Acupuntura Craniana" OR "Acupuntura del Cráneo" OR "Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism" OR "Nueva Craneopuntura de Yamamoto" OR "Nueva Acupuntura del Cuero Cabelludo de Yamamoto" OR "Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism" OR "Craneopuntura de Yamamoto" OR "Nueva Acupuntura del Cuero Cabelludo de Yamamoto" OR "Scalp Acupuncture" OR "Cranial Acupuncture" OR "Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism" OR "Yamamoto's New Craniopuncture" OR "Yamamoto New Cranio-Acupuncture" OR "Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture" OR Craniopuntura OR "Acupuntura Craneana" OR "Nova Acupuntura Craniana de Yamamoto" OR "Nova Craneopuntura de Yamamoto")

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