
Em revisão
Sobre a busca

Filtro temático para BVS MTCI - Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas, considerando a área de Métodos Terapêuticos e Terapias

Assuntos principais
Cromoterapia; Chromotherapy; Terapia pela Cor; Terapia por Color; Color Therapy

Resultado da busca
Portal Regional de la BVS

Estratégia de busca
MT3 =  Complementary Therapeutic Methods

Estratégia de busca para iAHx
(mh:"Color Therapy" OR (Cromoterapia OR "Color Therapy" OR "Terapia pela Cor" OR Chromatotherapy OR Chromotherapy OR Chromathérapie OR colorterapia OR "terapia por colores") OR (ti:(colored OR color OR colors) ti:stimulation) OR (mh:MT3.* AND ti:(colored OR color OR colores OR colors OR cores))) AND NOT ("Skin Pigmentation" OR "skin colors" OR "skin color")

Estratégia de Busca II
Estratégia de busca anterior

Estratégia de busca para iAHx
(MH:"Color Therapy" OR "Color Therapy" OR "Terapia por Color" OR "Terapia pela Cor" OR Cromoterap* OR Chromotherap* OR Chromathérap* OR TI:(TI:color TI:(therap* OR terap*)))

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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from novembro 27, 2023 @ 11:39:58. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Post Revisions:


novembro 27, 2023 @ 11:39:58Current Revision
Deleted:  Added: Cromoterapia
Deleted:  Added: Cromoterapia
Deleted:  Added: Chromotherapy
Deleted: (mh:"Color Therapy" OR (Cromoterapia OR "Color Therapy" OR "Terapia pela Cor" OR Chromatotherapy OR Chromotherapy OR Chromathérapie OR colorterapia OR "terapia por colores") OR ti:((colored OR color OR colors) stimulation) OR (mh:MT3* OR ti:(colored OR color OR colores OR colors OR cores)) AND NOT ("Skin Pigmentation" OR "skin colors" OR "skin color"))  Added: (mh:"Color Therapy" OR (Cromoterapia OR "Color Therapy" OR "Terapia pela Cor" OR Chromatotherapy OR Chromotherapy OR Chromathérapie OR colorterapia OR "terapia por colores") OR (ti:(colored OR color OR colors) ti:stimulation) OR (mh:MT3.* AND ti:(colored OR color OR colores OR colors OR cores))) AND NOT ("Skin Pigmentation" OR "skin colors" OR "skin color")

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.