
In review
About the search

Thematic filter to VHL TCIM Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines, considering the area of Therapeutic Methods and Therapies

Main subjects
Cromoterapia; Chromotherapy; Terapia pela Cor; Terapia por Color; Color Therapy

Search result
Portal Regional de la BVS

Search strategy
MT3 =  Complementary Therapeutic Methods

iAHx search strategy
(mh:"Color Therapy" OR (Cromoterapia OR "Color Therapy" OR "Terapia pela Cor" OR Chromatotherapy OR Chromotherapy OR Chromathérapie OR colorterapia OR "terapia por colores") OR (ti:(colored OR color OR colors) ti:stimulation) OR (mh:MT3.* AND ti:(colored OR color OR colores OR colors OR cores))) AND NOT ("Skin Pigmentation" OR "skin colors" OR "skin color")

Search strategy II
Previous search strategy

iAHx search strategy
(MH:"Color Therapy" OR "Color Therapy" OR "Terapia por Color" OR "Terapia pela Cor" OR Cromoterap* OR Chromotherap* OR Chromathérap* OR TI:(TI:color TI:(therap* OR terap*)))

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