MPDB 2.0 - Medicinal Plants Database Bangladesh

MPDB 2.0 - Medicinal Plants Database Bangladesh is a database of phytochemical data repertoire for indigenous medicinal plants of Bangladesh. It encompasses the plants scientific name, family name, local names, utilized parts, and active compounds. The design of the database has been in reference to the local plant medicinal therapies used since ancient times. The goal of this database is to understand the underlying mechanisms and identify the main phytochemical agents responsible for the efficacy of these folk therapies along with discovering novel treatment methods for diseases, both old and new.

Originador(es): M. Arif Ashraf (project cordinator);, Md. Kamrul Hasan (project cordinator)
Recurso adicionado em: 26/07/2024
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Plantas Medicinais, Medicina Tradicional, Indigenous Knowledge
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