Charts of the evolution of inequality in Latin America

These charts show the movement of industrial earnings inequality in individual countries of Latin America, together with the dates on which changes of government occurred. The Theil Index plotted on the primary Y-Axis is showed against the accepted World Bank Gini Coefficient on the secondary Y-Axis.The University of Texas Inequality Project is a small research group concerned with measuring and explaining movements of inequality in wages and earnings and patterns of industrial changes around the world. Their work so far has emphasized two techniques: the use of Theil's T statistic to compute inequality indexes from industrial data, and a combination of cluster analysis on rates of wage change and discriminant analysis to isolate the principal time patterns in changing wage structure.

Originador(es): University of Texas
Recurso adicionado em: 05/12/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Equidade, Measuring, Methods and Indicators
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