Health & Human Development in the New Global Economy: The Contributions and Perspectives of Civil Society in the Americas

In this new world of dramatic polarization in the distribution of wealth and opportunities, the poorest 20% of humankind benefits from less than the 1%of the wealth, trade, and direct external investment, while the richest 20%of human kind benefits from less than the 1% o the wealth, trade, and direct external investment, while the richest 20% of the global population takes 86%of the global economic product. In terms of access to and use of the information and communications media, the growing disparity is even more flagrant: the poorest sector utilizes just 1.5% of telephone lines and constitutes only 0.2% of Internet traffic. It is estimated that half of the inhabitants of our planet have never received a telephone call, an indication of just how far we are from creating an equitable a world society that provides fair opportunities for all.So where will al this disparity and polarization lead? Some of the foremost ideologues of the New World Order, such as George Soros, Paul Krugman, and Jeffrey Sachs, have anxiously called o those in government to establish new regulatory structures for the market, with a view to reducing economic and social instability in the most vulnerable countries. It is apparent that failing to protect populations at risk for the negative effects of globalization on a worldwide scale is indefensible, as ever-growing numbers of human beings become marginalized from the global economy. The course that we chart for the new century, then, will depend on our ability to find new and just modalities of governance at the national and global levels. (The authors)

Originador(es): University of Texas Medical Branch, Pan American Health Organization
Recurso adicionado em: 01/12/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês, Espanhol
Desenvolvimento Humano, Democracia, Política de Saúde, Governance, Civil Society, Health reform, Advocacy
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