IARC Monographs, volume 34: polynuclear aromatic compounds, part 3, industrial exposures in aluminium production, coal gasification, coke production, and iron and steel founding - summary of data reported and evaluation.


It presents data reported and carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of industrial exposures in aluminium production, coal gasification, coke production, and iron and steel founding.

Originador(es): World Health Organization. International Agency for Research on Cancer - WHO / IARC
Recurso adicionado em: 25/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Exposição Ocupacional/efeitos adversos, Exposição a Produtos Químicos, Alumínio/efeitos adversos, Carvão Mineral/efeitos adversos, Ferro/efeitos adversos, Aço/efeitos adversos, rsosversosversosversos
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