Pesticides and food: how we test for safety?
It answers the most common questions about food and pesticides, and it gives useful food handling tips. Document in pdf format; Acrobat Reader required.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Inglês, Espanhol
Toxicologia, Praguicidas, Alimentos, Inspeção de Alimentos
Pollution and waste
It contains information on how pollutants affect air, water and land, and on the steps Environment Canada is taking to reduce pollutant releases and their impacts.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Inglês, Francês
Poluição Ambiental, 51830
Ten tips to protect children from pesticide and lead poisonings
It presents ten useful tips to prevent pesticide and lead poisonings at home. A version in Spanish is available.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Inglês, Espanhol
Toxicologia, Intoxicação/prevenção & controle, Praguicidas/intoxicação, Intoxicação por Chumbo, Prevenção de Acidentes, Criança, Humano
Citizen's guide to pest control and pesticide safety
This booklet is intented to help answer questions like "How pests can be controled safely?" and "When and how should pesticides be used?", and to help people understand: - what steps to take to contro...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Toxicologia, Praguicidas/intoxicação, Exposição a Praguicidas, Controle de Pragas/métodos, Intoxicação/prevenção & controle, Primeiros Socorros, Uso de Praguicidas, EPA 730-K-95-001
Pesticides: Health and Safety
It presents useful tips to choose and use insect repellents safely. Recommendations are given about the use of pesticides, about preventing ticks and lyme disease, and about measures to be taken in ex...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Toxicologia, Uso de Praguicidas, Exposição a Praguicidas, Intoxicação/prevenção & controle, Primeiros Socorros
National Pesticide Information Center - NPIC
NPIC provides pesticide information related to food, emergency, poisoning and treatment, safety pratices, disposal, pest control, legislation, pets and wildlife, risk evaluation, labeling, and active ...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Toxicologia, Centros de Controle de Intoxicações, Praguicidas
What is a pesticide?
It defines what is and what is not a pesticide. Also, it defines pests, and presents some common kinds of pesticides and their function.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Toxicologia, Praguicidas
What is a pesticide?
It defines what is a pesticide, and presents some common kinds of pesticides and their functions. Document in pdf format; Acrobat Reader required.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Inglês, Espanhol
Toxicologia, Praguicidas
Terms of environment.
It defines in non-technical language the morecommonly used environmental terms (from Abandoned well to Zero Air) and abbreviations and acronysms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and othe...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Toxicologia, Saúde Ambiental, Vocabulário, Obras de Referência, Dicionário [tipo de publicação]
California Poison Control System
CPCS provides information about first aid for poisoning, poisonous and non-poisonous plants, and venomous animals. Emergency assistance is provided through telephone: general public - 1.800.876.4766, ...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Toxicologia, Centros de Controle de Intoxicações, Serviços Médicos de Emergência, Primeiros Socorros, Linhas Diretas