Total de recursos: 27241

IARC Monographs, volume 49: chromium, nickel and welding - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of chromium, nickel and welding.
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Recurso adicionado em: 26/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Cromo/efeitos adversos, Níquel/efeitos adversos, Soldagem, Exposição Ocupacional/efeitos adversos

IARC Monographs, volume 50: pharmaceutical drugs - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of some pharmaceutical drugs.
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Recurso adicionado em: 26/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos, Preparações Farmacêuticas/efeitos adversos, Agentes antineoplásicos e imunossupressores/efeitos adversos

IARC Monographs, volume 51: coffee, tea, mate, methylxanthines and methylglyoxal - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of coffee, tea, mate, methylxanthynes and methylglyoxal.
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Recurso adicionado em: 26/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Café/efeitos adversos, Chá/efeitos adversos, Cafeína/efeitos adversos, Teofilina/efeitos adversos, Teobromina/efeitos adversos, Aldeído Pirúvico/efeitos adversos

IARC Monographs, volume 43: man-made mineral fibres and radon - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of man-made mineral fibres and radon.
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Recurso adicionado em: 26/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Fibras Minerais/efeitos adversos, Radônio/efeitos adversos

IARC Monographs, volume 44: alcohol drinking - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans of alcoholic beverages.
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Recurso adicionado em: 26/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Bebidas Alcoólicas/efeitos adversos

IARC Monographs, volume 25: wood, leather and some associated industries - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of wood, leather, and some associated industries.
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Recurso adicionado em: 25/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Madeira, Indústria da Madeira, Curtume, Substâncias Perigosas/efeitos adversos, Compostos Químicos

IARC Monographs, volume 26: Some antineoplastic and immunosuppressive agents - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of some antineoplastic and immunosuppressive agents.
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Recurso adicionado em: 25/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos, Imunossupressores/efeitos adversos

IARC Monographs, voume 27: some aromatic amines, anthraquinones and nitroso compounds, and inorganic fluorides used in drinking water and dental preparations - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of some chemical compounds.
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Recurso adicionado em: 25/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Antraquinonas/efeitos adversos, Compostos Nitrosos/efeitos adversos, Fluoretos/efeitos adversos, ersosversosversosversos

IARC Monographs, volume 28: the rubber industry - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of rubber.
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Recurso adicionado em: 25/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Borracha/efeitos adversos, Indústria da Borracha

IARC Monographs, volume 29: some industrial chemicals and dyestuffs - summary of data reported and evaluation.

It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of some industrial chemicals and dyestuffs.
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Recurso adicionado em: 25/09/2000
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Testes de Carcinogenicidade, Toxicologia, Carcinógenos, Corantes/efeitos adversos, Compostos Químicos