Socioeconomic Determinants of Health

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) offers on its web-site a collection of articles on socioeconomics determinants of health. The collection is regularly updated and provides full-text access to BMJ articles on the subjet:Some of the topics are;The technological paradox of health inequality, and a probe with a practical tool.Conceptualising the mortality divide in Germany: towards an interdisciplinary analysis.A minimum income for healthy living.Changing mortality patterns in East and West Germany and Poland. I: Long term trends (1960-1997).Changing mortality patterns in East and West Germany and Poland. II: Short-term trends during transition and in the 1990s.Why reduce health inequalities?Coronary artery bypass graft surgery: socioeconomic inequalities in access and in 30 day mortality. A population-based study in Rome,Italy.Educational status is related to mortality at the community level in three areas of Tanzania, 1992-1998.Researching the changing social pattern of cardiovascular diseases.Social distribution of cardiovascular disease risk factors: change among men in England 1984-1993.

Creador(es): British Medical Journal
Recursos añadido en: 30/11/2000
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Equidad, Equidad en Salud, Socioeconomic determinants, Health disparities, Health irregularities
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