IARC Monographs, volume 16: some aromatic amines and related nitro compounds (hair dyes, colouring agents and miscellaneous industrial chemicals) - summary of data reported and evaluation.


It presents data reported and results of carcinogenicity evaluation for humans and animals of hair dyes, colouring agents, and miscellaneous industrial chemicals.

Creador(es): World Health Organization. International Agency for Research on Cancer - WHO / IARC
Recursos añadido en: 21/09/2000
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Pruebas de Carcinogenicidad, Toxicología, Carcinógenos, Tinturas para el Cabello/efectos adversos, Colorantes/efectos adversos, Aminas/efectos adversos, Compuestos Nitrosos/efectos adversos
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