European strategies to combat violence against women - report on the first technical meeting.

It describes the discussions of the Meeting, and lists the recommendations on epidemiology and data collection, addressing the mental health consequences of violence against women and providing appropriate health services. Document in pdf format; Acrobat Reader needed.

Creador(es): World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe - WHO / EURO
Recursos añadido en: 11/09/2000
Objetivo: To build on existing links between WHO and country-based networks and centres specializing in the issue of violence against women, in an effort to draw up proposals for joint strategies at European level and to strengthen future cooperation and coordination.
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Mujeres Maltratadas, Violencia Doméstica/prevención & control, Salud de la Mujer, Servicios de Salud para Mujeres, Violencia contra la Mujer, Identidad de Género, Relatório Técnico [Tipo de Publicação]
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