Proposed global action plan and timetable for safe handling and maximum laboratory containment of wild poliovirus and potentially infectious materials.

It provides the background, rationale, guidelines, and implementation timetable for a safe handling of wild poliovirus infectious or potentially infectious materials at laboratories. Document in pdf format.

Creador(es): World Health Organization. Global Polio Eradication Initiative
Recursos añadido en: 17/05/2000
Objetivo: To provide a systematic, worldwide action plan to prevent reintroduction of wild polioviruses from the laboratory into the community.
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Poliomielitis/prevención & control, Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles, Poliovirus, Infección de Laboratorio/prevención & control, Seguridad, Laboratorios, Obras de Referencia, Guia [tipo de publicação]
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