Regional Director speeches
It presents the speeches of SEARO's regional director.
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It presents the speeches of SEARO's regional director.
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It presents the proceedings of the training workshop which reviewed the situation and developed a programme for implementing effective quality assurance in blood transfusion services in SEARO member s...
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Neste artigo, foi realizado um estudo de vigilância com informações cedidas pelo Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação de Tuberculose(Sinan-TB) no período de 2000 a 2005 e pelo Banco...
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It presents an overview, objectives, strategies, and progresses of the campaign to control the disease
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It presents an overview, objectives, strategies, and progresses of the campaign to control hepatitis B
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It presents an overview, objectives, strategies, and progress of the campaign to reduce measles in the world
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It presents strategies, actions and programmes that must be taken and/or developed to prevent, control and eliminate measles in the SEARO region. Document in pdf format
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It presents tables which contain epidemiological data on Poliomyelitis and Acute Flacid Paralysis, from the countries of SEARO region
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It presents information related to measles situation in the world and in SEARO region, elimination, perspective by agency (CDC and UNICEF), global and regional polio situation, plan of action for meas...
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It presents instructions for young researchers who would like to improve their report on research study, especially quantitative research.
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