October 24, World Polio Day, was born on this day the Jonas Salk scientist, creator of the first polio vaccine, injectable, in 1955. Later came the oral vaccine, the famous “droplet”, developed by Albert Bruce Sabin in 1961 is a date in order to draw public attention to the need to end this disease. In many places it has been eradicated, but in other regions of the world still needs care.
Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus that invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours. The virus enters the body via the mouth and multiplies in the intestine.
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United Nations in Brazil (In Portuguese)
Rotary #WorldPolioDay (English)
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- Global Polio Eradication Initiative: strategic plan 2010-2012
- International Polio Victims Response Committee
- Polio laboratory network - quarterly updates
- Report of the meeting on the scientific basis for stopping polio immunization
- Making use of vaccine vial monitors: flexible vaccine management for polio
- Making use of vaccine vial monitors: flexible vaccine management for polio