Polio Eradication Programme


It presents mission, functions and priority countries of the Programme, surveillance maps, information on eradication, National Immunization Days, acute flaccid paralysis, laboratory, certification, and contacts, articles, and bulletins

Originator(s): World Health Organization. Regional Office for Africa - WHO / AFRO
Resource added in: 17/08/2000
Objective: Provide technical assistance and guidance to countries in the African Region to ensure that by the year 2002, there will be no cases of acute flaccid paralysis associated with wild polio virus in the region
Available languages: English
Poliomyelitis/prevention & control, Poliomyelitis/epidemiology, Muscle Hypotonia/prevention & control, Paralysis, 28441, Poliomyelitis, Poliomyelitis, Poliomyelitis, Vacinas e imunização, Poliomielite nãoo Poliovírus
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