Health Care in Canada 2000: A First Annual Report

A First Annual Report is the first in an annual series of reports that aims to provide reliable evidence, not anecdotes or rhetoric, about what we know and do not know about the health of Canada's health care system and how the system has changed. The series will reflect the emerging concensus around appropriate indicators for comparative reporting and take advantage of the most up-to-date health information that exists and is being developed. This year's report draws on data for a series of indicators confirmed at the National Consensus Conference on Population Health Indicators in May 1999, supplemented with quality local, regional, provincial/territorial, national and international research evidence.Highlights from each chapter of the report and examples of the types of information we do not currently have are presented below. We hope to begin to address some of the information gaps in future reports as new data emerge.Health Care System Reform -The Cost of Health Care -The Health Care Team -Promotion, Prevention and Primary Care -Hospitals -Care Beyond Hospitals.

Originator(s): Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
Resource added in: 01/12/2000
Available languages: English, French
Human Development, National Health Accounts, Health Economic, Measuring, Methods and Indicators
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