Sociedad Colombiana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax - NEUMOCITO.
Presenta la história, los estatutos, estructura directiva de la Sociedad, y los comites asesores, y permite acceso a la Revista Colombiana de Neumología.
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Available languages:
Thorax, Thoracic Surgery, Societies, Medical, Lung Diseases, Doença pulmonar (especialidade)
Instituto Colombiano del Sistema Nervioso - ICSN
Informaciones acerca del Instituto, los servicios prestados por la Clínica Montserrat, actividades del Centro de Docencia e Investigación, y eventos.
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Nervous System, Societies, Medical, Academies and Institutes
Organización Panamericana de Salud - Nicaragua.
Presenta la misión y las actividades de la OPS, un directorio de oficinas y centros científicos y técnicos de la OPS, el documento Orientaciones Estratégicas y Programáticas 1995 - 1998, informac...
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Health Planning Organizations, Pan American Health Organization
Asociación Pro-Bienestar de la Familia de Guatemala - APROFAM.
Presenta informaciones institucionales, y acerca de la situación de salud en Guatemala, adolescentes, vítimas de la violencia, servicios clínicos y comunitarios, y preguntas frecuentes y noticias.
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23932, Health Planning Organizations, Family Development Planning, Reproductive Health, Child Health, Family Health
Environmental Information Sources - EnviroInfo.
EnviroInfo is a compilation of useful Internet resources to Environmental Science and Technology, maintains information on organizations, business, publications, online databases and software, researc...
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Air Pollution, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Ecology, Toxicology, Environmental Pollution, 32465, Environmental Hazards, Legislation, Environmental, Waste Products, 32441, Water Quality, Wastewater, Solos
Environmental Working Group - EWG.
It contains information about pesticides related to food, drinking water, industry and regulators, and about hazardous substances, drinking water and air pollution. A database of EWG archives is avail...
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Available languages:
Toxicology, Environmental Health, Environment, Air Pollution, Pesticides, Drinking Water, Water Pollution
Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling - CEAM.
EPA's Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling provides proven predictive exposure assessment techniques for aquatic, terrestrial, and multimedia pathways for organic chemicals and metals, and distribu...
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Available languages:
Toxicology, Toxic Substances, Hazardous Substances, Chemical Compound Exposure, Environmental Pollution, Water Pollution
EPA National Library Network Program.
Directory of on-line libraries in the EPA's Headquarters, Regional Offices, Research Centers, and specialized laboratories located throughout the USA.
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Available languages:
32479, Hazardous Waste, Drinking Water, Environmental Pollution/prevention & control, Toxicology, Toxic Substances, Hazardous Substances
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics - OPPT.
Information about chemicals potential risks, lead and other chemicals at home, labeling, exposure assessment, prevention programs and projects, educational materials, and legislation. It allows access...
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Available languages:
Environmental Health, Chemical Contamination, Environmental Pollution/prevention & control, Toxic Substances, Hazardous Substances, Environmental Hazards, Toxicology
Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances - OPPTS.
OPPTS provides information related to pollution, poisoning and exposure prevention, chemical hazards, pesticides (regulation; use; on food), and toxic substances (risk reduction; testing; regulation),...
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Toxicology, Environmental Health, Environmental Pollution/prevention & control, Pesticides, Toxic Substances, Hazardous Substances, Poisoning/prevention & control, Chemical Contamination