Total of resources: 27241

Lung toxicology problem set.

This problem set is designed to help you understand the basic anatomy and physiology of the respiratory organs, primarily the lungs, and each topic page has a multiple choice question designed to help...
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Resource added in: 28/10/1999
Available languages: English
Toxicology, Respiratory System, Lung, Lung Neoplasms, Asthma, Tobacco Smoke Pollution

Registro de alimento com alegação de propriedades funcionais e ou de saúde em sua rotulagem.

Brasil. Apresenta texto integral da Resolução nº 19, de 30 de abril de 1999, que aprova o regulamento técnico de procedimentos para registro de alimento com alegação de propriedades funcionais e...
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Resource added in: 22/10/1999
Available languages: Portuguese
Health Surveillance, Legislation, Food, Food Labeling/legislation & jurisprudence, 17550, Ciência e tecnologia de alimentos, Produtos alimentares especiais

The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

Apresenta código que regulamenta o comércio e a divulgação de produtos considerados como substitutos do leite materno, incluindo fórmulas infantis, produtos lácteos, alimentos e bebidas
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Resource added in: 22/10/1999
Available languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Health Surveillance, Breast-Milk Substitutes/standards, 17550, Legislation, Food, Health Surveillance, Inspeção e Controle de Riscos em Alimentos, Produtos Alimentares Especiais

Grupo de Publicações Eletrônicas em Medicina, Biologia e Saúde - e*PUB.

Descreve sobre os serviços e produtos do Grupo de Publicações Eletronicas em Medicina, Biologia e Saúde do NIB/UNICAMP.
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Resource added in: 21/10/1999
Available languages: English
Education, Distance, Education, Medical, Electronic Journals, Educação médica contínua

Centro Esportivo Virtual.

Descreve as atividades do Centro Esportivo Virtual, um centro referencial virtual de informações sobre Educação Fisica, Esportes e Lazer.
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Resource added in: 21/10/1999
Available languages: Portuguese

Outbreak of Salmonella serotype typhimurium infection associated with eating raw ground beef - Wisconsin, 1994.

This report summarizes the investigation of an outbreak of Salmonella Serotype typhimurium gastrointestinal illness in Wisconsin associated with eating contaminated raw ground beef during the 1994 win...
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Resource added in: 14/10/1999
Available languages: English
Toxicology, Poisoning, Foodborne Diseases, Salmonella Food Poisoning/diagnosis, iaerapiaerapiaerapiaerapiaerapiaerapiaerapia, Relato de caso

Escherichia coli 0157:H7 outbreak at a summer camp - Virginia, 1994.

On August 8, 1994, the Virginia Department of Health was notified that several campers and counselors at a summer camp had developed bloody diarrhea. The outbreak began during the July 17-30 session a...
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Resource added in: 14/10/1999
Available languages: English
Toxicology, Poisoning, Escherichia coli Infections, Foodborne Diseases

Preventing foodborne illness: listeriosis.

It presents answers to some questions related to the infection caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, as: how great is the risk for listeriosis?; how does Lister...
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Resource added in: 14/10/1999
Available languages: English
Toxicology, Poisoning/prevention & control, Listeriosis, Foodborne Diseases/prevention & control, Listeria monocytogenes

Update: outbreaks of cyclosporiasis - United States, 1997.

During April and May 1997, CDC received reports of clusters of cases of cyclosporiasis in the United States. This report describes the preliminary findings of an investigation of an outbreak in New Yo...
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Resource added in: 14/10/1999
Available languages: English
Toxicology, Poisoning, Cryptosporidiosis/epidemiology, Foodborne Diseases

Lake-associated outbreak of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 - Illinois, 1995.

On July 5, 1995, the Winnebago County Health Department (WCHD) in northern Illinois received a report from the local hospital of five cases of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection among children who res...
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Resource added in: 14/10/1999
Available languages: English
Toxicology, Escherichia coli Infections, Water Pollution, Environmental Pollutants