Guidelines on health care practice: report on a WHO meeting.
It presents considerations and recommendations regarding to the development, implementation and evaluation of health care guidelines.
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Available languages:
German, English
Practice Guidelines as Topic, Delivery of Health Care, Reference Books, Guia [tipo de publicação], Anais de congresso
The Heidelberg guidelines for promoting physical activity among older persons.
It presents a rationale and recommendations for the promotion of physically active lifestyle among the elderly.
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Health of the Elderly, Exercise, Reference Books, Geriatrics, Guia [tipo de publicação]
Detonando a dengue
Apresentação interativa que ensina a eliminar o Aedes Egypti (mosquito causador da Dengue)
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Available languages:
Dengue, Dengue
Jogo interativo que ensina a prevenir a AIDS
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Adolescent
AFP Polio Surveillance data management system.
It presents information on the current situation of Polio Eradication Programme in the european region, and data on case count and overview of Polio / AFP reporting, historical polio data, and polio i...
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Available languages:
English, French
Paralysis/epidemiology, Muscle Hypotonia, Poliomyelitis/epidemiology
EURO Polio Page - newsletters
It presents information related to Polio control and eradication, and events, and AFP / Polio weekly reporting. Documents in pdf format; Acrobat Reader needed. Versions in Russian of some issues are a...
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Poliomyelitis, Paralysis, Muscle Hypotonia
Vaccine preventable diseases and immunization
It presents information on measles, hepatitis B, Haemophilus Influenzae B, congenital rubella sindrome, and diphteria, related to control strategies and activities, adverse events of immunization, and...
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Measles, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Rubella Syndrome, Congenital, Diphtheria, Immunization/adverse effects, Immunization
HIV / AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis in prisons - report on a WHO / UNAIDS european seminar
It presents information on the situation of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, prevention and care of HIV/AIDS, and prevention and control of tuberculosis in European prisons, and european networks on prison ...
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
HIV Infections/prevention & control, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control, Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control, Tuberculosis/prevention & control, Prisons, Veterinary Medicine
Implementation of WHO / UNAIDS policies and strategies on prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases
It presents information on the current STD situation in the newly independent states, STD prevention and control, obstacles towards the progress of health care for STDs, and conclusions and recommenda...
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control, Syphilis/prevention & control, Health Policy, Health Services/trends, Anais de congresso
Vaccine preventable diseases and immunization
It presents information on measles, hepatitis B, Haemophilus Influenzae B, congenital rubella sindrome, and diphteria, related to control strategies and activities, adverse events of immunization, and...
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Resource added in:
Available languages:
Measles, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Rubella Syndrome, Congenital, Diphtheria, Immunization/adverse effects, Immunization, Rubella