October 13th is the date officially recognized by the UN (United Nations) and the UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) to promote the International Day for Disaster Reduction.
The day aims to promote reflection on the issue of disasters, taking into account the phases of prevention, rescue and rehabilitation. Some goals that governments need to achieve to reduce the losses driven by disasters (lives, environmental goods, economic and social) are:
– Identify risks and take appropriate measures after an assessment and on-site observation, to improve early warning systems;
– Appealing to creating a culture of safety and resilience widespread;
– Reduce the enabling factors of risk situations;
– Provide the system of civil protection tools to respond effectively before an emergency scenario.
This year’s theme is “Reducing accidents for seniors and people with disabilities.”
Learn More
UNISDR ( UN’s office for disaster risk reduction)
Releated Links
- Health response to the earthquake in Haiti January 2010: lessons to be learned for the next massive sudden-onset disaster
- International Strategy for Disaster Reduction - ISDR