October 15 is World Handwashing Day, the day created with three main objectives: to support a global culture of handwashing with soap, draw the attention of governments to the importance of the act and raise awareness about its benefits .
Transform handwashing in a frequent habit could save more lives than any vaccine or medical intervention, decreases deaths from diarrhea by 50% and deaths from acute respiratory infections by 25%. These data show how the simple attitude of hand hygiene can prevent diseases, see how to make this a habit.
Hand washing should be performed mainly on the following occasions:
Before handling or consuming food
Before and after contact with sick or bedridden people
After going to the bathroom
After sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose
After handling contaminated or potentially contaminated objects
After contact with animals
Whenever hands are visibly dirty
Learn More
ANVISA – Hand Hygiene (In Portuguese)
PAHO – Pan American Health Organization (In Portuguese)
Related links
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- Passo a passo para higienização das mãos
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- Seguridad de pacientes
- Dicas para lavagem das mãos
- Clean hands save lives!
- Higienização das mãos em serviços de saúde
- Lavagem e desinfecção das mãos