In May 2013, the 66th World Health Assembly unanimously adopted the Global Plan of Action 2014-2019 – Towards Universal Health Eye for the prevention of avoidable blindness and visual impairment.
Its goal is to reduce avoidable visual impairment as a global public health problem and ensure access to rehabilitation services for visually impaired people through improving access to eye care services that are integrated into health systems.
This year’s theme will be “No more avoidable blindness” and it is expected that all organizations participating in events use the day to highlight the areas that feel more important and require priority, for example, “No more Cataract”.
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No Dia Mundial da Visão, Brasil procura prevenir cegueira (en portugués)
‘Universal Eye Health’ – the WHO Global Action Plan
Related links
- 10 de julho: Dia Mundial da Saúde Ocular
- Portal dos Olhos
- Dicas em saúde: Ceratocone
- Información de la salud del ojo
- National Eye Institute
- International Ocular Inflammation Society - IOIS
- Dicas em saúde: Conjuntivite
- Portal da Oftalmologia
- A radiação ultravioleta e o olho humano
- Atlas de anatomía ocular