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Parteras tradicionales en Chocó, Colombia - Reducción de riesgos para las embarazadas de la región

Traditional midwives in Chocó, Colombia - Reducing risks for pregnant women in the region

Afro-Colombian midwifery is an ancestral practice that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Afro-descendant communities of the Chocó department. The experiences of Visitación Perea, Francisca Córdoba, and other traditional birth attendants from the Colombian Pacific illustrate how this practice has allowed hundreds of women to give birth in their communities, while midwives work to keep the tradition alive. In addition to their traditional knowledge and experience in Afro-Colombian midwifery, midwives in Colombia have recognized the importance of training in Western medicine to be able to identify risks in pregnancy and refer women to conventional healthcare services if necessary. The stories of Visitación and Francisca represent the importance of complementing their ancestral practices to provide more comprehensive and effective care to women in the region.

Idioma: Espanhol Duração: MP4
Assunto(s): Tocologia; Colômbia; Mortalidade Materna; Reducción mortalidad materna; Parteras tradicionales
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